photo love :: asher + lucy :: 1

pronunciation: \ləv\

noun - strong affection for another arising out of kinship or personal ties :: an assurance of affection :: the object of attachment, devotion, or admiration 

verb - to hold dear :: to like or desire actively :: to take pleasure in :: to thrive in

{source of definition, in part, Merriam Webster}

  • my nephew, Asher and my puppy niece, Lucy
  • soft tees and chubby feet
  • cold snouts and wet kisses
  • unconditional love and a boy's best friend {even if he doesn't know it yet}

{photo from my sister, Jonna's Instagram}

Photo love is a new feature on &chloe where I will post a photo I have found on Instagram that I love.  I have a fondness for Instagram, and I appreciate the thought and care Instgrammers put into their photos; daily I come across photos that I simply love. So in this new photo love feature, I will share one of these found photos along with the thoughts and feelings of affection that it evokes for me. You may find some new Instgrammers worth following in the process. I would be remiss if I did not tell you that my inspiration for this photo love feature from my dear friend, Jenny's blog: the PRETTYblog by JL. You can view her photo loves here.

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