john raphael marty :: five months old

This past month has just whizzed by ... it actually almost escaped me that today was the 12th {hence why I am posting this at night!}.

Little John is such a happy boy; if I once mistook him for a fussy baby, I was sorely mistaken. He is a happy boy - happy to just be held and hang out. He loves going pretty much anywhere as he likes to look around and study his surroundings. He has a BIG appetite and eats a lot; and sleeps fairly well, too.

In his fifth month he:

  • probably weights between 14-15 pounds
  • has two chins
  • lost most of his hair and started growing some new hair
  • had his first cold, but handled it like a champ - you would never have even known he was sick
  • has started laughing/giggling and has the cutest nasal laugh
  • went to Durango for the second time
  • loves having you hold him under his arms so he can stand and stamp his feet
  • reaches for people and things
  • likes to grab things, especially his soothie which he studies at from all angles
  • graduated to his convertible car seat - riding in the car seat is about a million times better
  • recognizes the difference between his people and "strangers" - sometimes strangers are scary, but most of the time he will give anyone a smile
  • will likely have brown eyes - that is what they are looking like for now anyways
On to month six, can't believe we are almost halfway to one year old!

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